Electrical safety body supports campaign by AEI Cables

campaign by AEI Cables to highlight the revised version of the Code of Practice
for Category 3 Control fire performance cables which says only approved cabling
should be used in signal and control equipment has won support from a major
electrical safety industry body.
Safety First has come out as another industry body lending its weight behind
the message to improve information and compliance to the Code.
Martyn Allen, Technical
Director, Electrical Safety First, said: “Electrical Safety First strongly
supports this initiative and all those that improve the fire safety of cables -
particularly those in high rise residential buildings - which provide more time
for evacuation and also help reduce the extent of fire damage and cost.
“The Code of Practice is a
great way to encourage designers, specifiers and insurers to ensure compliant,
approved fire rated cables are installed in new builds and major refits, as
cables will be installed for a significant period of time.”
Electrical Safety First follows the fire safety
membership body The Institution of Fire Prevention Officers (IFPO) in
supporting the initiative. Electrical Safety First is a campaigning
charity that aims to reduce deaths and injuries caused by electricity in UK
homes, working with the Government, the electrical industry, manufacturers,
retailers and consumer safety organisations to improve safety regulation and
Cables has been highlighting the importance of the systems powered by these
cables – including smoke and heat extraction systems – in assisting fire
services in the case of firefighting and a safe evacuation in the case of life
new revised Code of Practice under BS8519 applies to all Category 3 Control
fire performance cables.
applications of Category 3 Control fire performance cables also applies to
evacuation alarms for the disabled in care homes, emergency voice
communications systems and voice alarm systems in relevant buildings including
tall buildings, office spaces, hospitals, care homes, shopping malls and
Cables is the only supplier in the UK with independent approval from LPCB for
BS8519 Category 3 Control fire performance cables with a fire survival time of
up to 120 minutes.
Cables’ Firetec Enhanced cabling has been approved and certified by LPCB to
BS8519 (Annex B), Category 3 Control in addition to Category 2 Control.The BS
Code of Practice under BS8519 contains six categories of cables, three for
power cables and three for control cables each covering survival times of 30,
60 or 120 minutes.